Saturday, March 28, 2009

Redoubt Sends Ash Our Way

The day was so beautifully sunny out and then I noticed that it was starting to cloud over. I was bummed its so nice to see the sun. Then I realized that it wasn't a cloud but a haze. I was on the phone with dad and he said that Redoubt had gone off again and that the ash cloud was hanging over anchorage- thats when I noticed that the air was thick and my car was caked. I didn't bother to change out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt and loaded the car up with clothes for tomorrow, the case of bottled water and my camera. It was so eerie out everyone was driving so slow and it was like driving through one big dust cloud. I got to Mom and Dad's and we got the cars covered and now we're all cooped up and ready to stay in for the night.

Here's the haze around the sun- its just a little after 6pm in this picture and even though its march we've had daylight until about 9pm now so this is way to dark for this time of day right now.

Once I got my car cleaned off using a soft rag I got in the car to head out and this what my windshield already looked like
by the time I got to mom and dads, got my car unloaded and front windshield covered this is what my back window looked like- ITS NOT SNOW
I cleaned some of the ash off my car and put it in the jar- between all the cars I could have filled this but even with a respirator on its hard to be out there. Your eyes start to feel gritty and the taste of dirt gets in your mouth. My hair feels like i've been rolling around in dirt
This is about two hours later- the sky getting dark from night but the cloud still visible
Dad, Jessa and I went out to get her car covered up and I took this picture for memories sake. We' smiling hehe


Vicki Smith said...

Eerie. Be safe!

Jessa Stephens said...

I'm so glad you got pictures!!