Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Eyes Behold Such Beauty

This was taken just just after 11:30 at night- I'm laying on my bed working on camp pictures and I turned to set my camera on my end table and saw this- if it ever looked like got had a paintbrush in His hand and working on a masterpiece its now- if I took another picture you'd see a completely different picture- its now dark blue and purple and the clouds are glowing- so breath taking


Vicki Smith said...

I can't imagine any place in the whole world more beautiful than Alaska. I suppose our mortal bodies wouldn't be able to endure the beauty of heaven, since it's no doubt far beyond any earthly beauty. But you won't need cameras there, I don't suppose.

Amy Anders said...

WOW Jenna, that is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to agree with Sis. Smith, there really isn't any place that is more beautiful, I can now say that!!!!!

I really miss you guys!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see everyone at the Assembly!!!

Momma Tammi said...

Very pretty! So glad you had your camera handy!!!! ~smile~

The Middle J said...

I dont sleep with my camera but if i'm in my room its always near by

Amy Anders said...

Yeah the camera became the baby while I was there :) I treasured it like gold. I've never seen anyone carry there camera with them like you do. I told mom that's my dream camera... someday :) hehehe