Thursday, July 26, 2007

Posting Before I Lose Readers

As much as I dont wish to lose the interest of my readers I honestly don't feel like blogging. I just can't seem to get into the mood. Plenty is going on...surprisingly I haven't even been in the mood to take pictures. Don't worry I have some of Bethel and a few from the Revival here. I don't know whats planned for this weekend but I'll try to do better as far as pictures go and maybe by then I can get myself into a mood to blog.

Sorry to be a disappointment but Im pretty sure that not many are actually all that disappointed.

I'll be back soon.....


Isaiah said...

Oh my goodness... You don't fell like taking pictures? :o

Momma Tammi said...

I am very disappointed. I was counting on you to let me know who the revivals were going and to show me pictures! Oh well! I do understand, right now, it is all I can do to make myself read the blogs, much less post and my picture-taking days are over. My camera met it's much-too-early-demise and now I'm with out one. Maybe that is why I'm just not in the blogger mood...I'm in mourning over my camera.

Rebekah Doran said...

I've been looking forward to you posting again with all the great pictures, but I do understand not being in the "blogging" mood.

Netty said...

Jenna can you give me a call?