Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh Please Pray

The last two weeks I've been getting really bad headaches. Normally I dont wake up with them but after a couple hours at work and I'm ready for a head transplant. I know some would tease me and agree it would be an improvement :P but seriously Monday I even went home early because it hurt so bad to hold my head up, only the slightest relief came when I closed my eyes. I was a bit worried as you can't really drive with your eyes closed. I got in my car and prayed for the hand of protection and for some relief. I got a good bit of sleep and I think that helped. I got a wonderful reprieve on Tuesday and Wednesday as thankful no headache but I feel like I need so much sleep even though I've been sleeping well though I know I need more. I love all the sun light buts starting to mess with already. Matt keeps telling me to drink water and so thats all I've been drinking and feel like I'm a walking lake-lol the reprieve lasted until around 2 today when that annoying throb started again. I don't know the reason for it but I'd love to have a permanent reprieve.

On another note I got the materials needed to make the favors for the shower. This will keep me busy this weekend. I'm hoping Joleesa will help me as its possibly going to be a two person job.

This weekend -well before Sunday- I've got to get the books together as we're having a belated business conference, a CPMA service to plan as Katie's wedding is next Sunday, I've got to design Jessa's wedding program so that she can get them taken to Kinkos to be printed- or at least I think that was the plan. At some point I have to get with mom as I've got the banquet to do for camp. Her and I need to go shopping as I think we've got the details figured out to what we want to do. That means another project :-) I love this stuff- but its no wonder Im having headaches- I'm spinning in circles with all thats going on. Just kidding I love it wish I had more time but I love it.

Thank you Megan for taking the picture of me. We discovered that I have a sad few pictures of me that are actual pictures not crazy self shots.

Maybe tomorrow night I'll upload mother days pictures here- I uploaded them on Facebook and intended them to be put on here but had to deal with some issues in a long and frustrating email to my landlord. Now I'm burning a quick cd for my car and I'm going to get that much needed sleep. I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday *big sigh of relief*


Vicki Smith said...

I'm praying. R-E-L-A-X and don't stress. It's counterproductive. Let the Lord do your worrying--"Casting all your care upon him;
for he careth for you" (1 Pet. 5:7).

Unknown said...

You're more than welcome. I was getting ready to take a picture of a lake and you stepped into the from and it was ooo.. that's a cool shot, jenna would appreciate that

and ditto right back for the ones of micah and i! the hand-holdin' one is a shot i've been wanting for a while-- you read my mind! freaky.

Unknown said...

oops.."frame" not "from"

Momma Tammi said...

I didn't see this last night, so I hope your head is feeling better.

You got some great shots...which lense were you using?