So after I did the photo session with Jes and Levi after the wedding I started the process of a website- after a couple hours of frustration and a recommendation from a friend I opened a word-press account and began creating the basic outline of information and a simple showcase of my favorite and recommend choices of pictures. I never really 100% completed it as things got a little crazy but I gave Jes the permission to give the address to some people at work that were interested. I think about a month has gone by and I hadnt heard anything until today.
A couple is wanting to book a Trash the Dress session for next weekend- at first I was thinking ARE YOU SERIOUS thats like next week (dur) but then I realized thats all thats available for the next three weeks. I emailed back and confirmed times and details. I'm so excited! Every little bit of extra money right now counts with the assembly. As I went into work today I was thinking and praying about offerings and what to give as I know in my head its going to be tight. If nothing falls through the shoot what I get paid from it I plan to give back as I know God has given me this opportunity.
Its been on my mind as I prepare for the assembly the parable of the servants who were given talents. Two came back having multiplied i
t for the their Lord and one barried his talent. All I desire is to give back to the Lord the talen
t He has bestowed upon me. I don't seek gushing praise (:P its nice sometimes I wont lie heh
e) I do it because I love it. Some may think me silly but for me its a form of ministry. Lord when everything is done and over with, when the cameras stop rolling, when memories start to fade let my photography be a ministry- when it all becomes history let it still speak your truth, your love, let your spirit be felt even in the silence of a picture.
Oh how I love a camera in my hand- Wither its to capture the affectious laugh of a child, the silent look of love passed between a couple, the adrenaline pouring out of an athlete, or the anointing of the spirit over a minister - as soon as the shutter clicks the moment has become a part of someone's history that will never be forgotten. How can you not love that :-)
I LOVE your attitude. And you can rest assured, you can NOT outgive God. The more you give to Him, the more He gives to you. --And the picture of Brother Rob is priceless! What a great capture you got!
Your photography IS a ministry, Jenna--I don't think it sounds silly at all. It's so true. I know I'M blessed by it! You get the greatest Assembly pictures and they really do help you remember the blessings received there. :-) And I know that God will bless and honor you for your desire to give to him, your talents and your $$$. That's a blessing to me, too!
I'm so excited for you Jenna! How wonderful for God to bless you with your very first shoot! This will be the first of many. :)
I whole-heartedly agree. I initially started shooting to capture memories of all church events that I didn't want to forget, then my husband wanted me to use it to help fund the mind...really bad day. I am really excited that you are getting to do this photo did such a wonderful job with Jessa's that I know that this one will be lots of fun and you will get great shots.
And i to agree with everybody else you have a talent and when you use it for the Lord it is a blessing in itself,and giving is a blessing to cuz you get a doulble blessing after... The Lord knows your heart.. Oh and that is a great picture of Bro. Rob
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