Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time for another post I suppose

Again really nothing interesting other then my photography and even then it may not interest everyone. I've got several weddings and photo shoots this summer that Im excited about. Im really excited about Ladies Retreat, Camp and Convention this year but even more so I'm SOOOOO excited about the Assembly it seems so far away and in reality thats okay.

My life isnt all that exciting so heres something to look at that truly excites me- my favorite photos from the last two months


Vicki Smith said...

Really neat photography. Good job, girl! ...and thanks for remembering us lone bloggers.

Tammy Washburn said...

awwwww...so sweet baby pix.

Grace & Co said...

The pictures are absolutely beautiful Jenna.

cokelady said...

I know these pictures are old, but they are sooooo good. Just so you know.

I really came here just to tell you that you're a horrible blogger. ;-) The rest of us miss you!

Sarah Violet said...

I just found your blog, and its great! I LOVE your photography!