Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Forgive the Boringness

Forgive the boringness I'm trying to figure out what I want. I have plenty of ideas but nothing is coming out as something I love and I couldn't take the black anymore lol....

I didn't realize how busy life has gotten...not sure if its just due to summer or if this is just going to be a common thing. So totally different from last year. Wow we've been in Alaska for 11 months and 3days thats weird... I still don't really consider this home. I know this is where I'm suppose to be right now but at the same time I also know that its only for season.

I'm so looking forward to the Assembly- its going to be different we as a family haven't missed the assembly in 13 years and this year Daddy and Jes wont be able to go. I'm leaving out Monday the 27th after work. I'm having a hard time finding a flight from Seattle that won't have me missing all of Tuesday but the 4 hr time difference is proofing to me a HUGE annoyance and hindrance to this. I know on Friday I'll have to accept reality and take whatever I can afford I'm happy that I'm going.

I know I said we've been busy but other then my department bbq on Sat. and going hiking yesterday its just been people around and work. Yesterday was great though Gracie and I had been playing phone tag the last couple weeks and finally got to talk yesterday. My phone doesn't let me know when the battery dies anymore and just as we pull into Moses Tooth to meet up with Bro Rusty it cut out :-( back to phone tag hehe- we got some pizza and brought it back to the house and sat on the deck and just laughed. It was great- between Bro. Rusty and Matthew (Matthew wasn't there) my slight blondness doesn't go unnoticed :-P Its all in fun so :-D

Gonna grab a bite to eat and go back to work. The assembly is in 2 weeks how awesome :D


Momma Tammi said...

This is totally cool!

Vicki Smith said...

Oooooh, I like!