Thursday, May 22, 2008

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
do it with thy might;
for there is no work,
nor device,
nor knowledge,
nor wisdom, in the grave,
whither thou goest.

Ecclesiastes 9:10

The private school I went to the principle of the school use to use this scripture on us when he wanted us to clean. For Christmas mom got us one of those Daily Bread box things. Every morning I pull one out and thats been the scripture of the day for my blog (that is if I have time to sit down and blog) Then I go in hunt of a picture to use to go with it. If I don't have one then I go take one. Which means I get to A) take pictures B) play with Photoshop. The scripture for the other day was taken in the Laundry Room at the hotel where the seamstress is. I had a run in with a guy holding a wine glass last Friday. Spilling the contents all over my white shirt and blue sweater. The ladies in the Whales Tale told to have Sissy (thats not her name but thats what everyone calls her) clean it for me. My shirt is now nice and clean. This scripture I pulled yesterday and had to laugh my apartment is rather messy right now. Jessa works such exhausting hours that she hasn't had time to pick up. I'm hoping Grace's cleaning zeal will rub off. I've got a kitchen, livingroom and bedroom to clean. My room is the big one. We went to the Zoo last week now it looks like I'm sleeping in it. Please know its not that bad I'm just joking :P

I took a picture of my quilt blocks will be up soon. I wanted to post them today but I forgot my camera at work and didn't want to pester my boss to open my locked office door ( :-S I didn't have my keys on me) So tomorrow, tomorrow I'll post the pictures tomorrow okay enough cheesyness.


Momma Tammi said...

The zoos I've been to have been pretty clean, so I have no idea what you are talking about. ~grin~

Grace & Co said...

When you're done with my zeal would you be nice enough to give it back? I'm not quite finished cleaning my own house! LOL! Just kidding. :)