Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm glad everyone liked the pictures. I was really tickled about it. I love them myself. There are these two websites that I have found one is great for asking questions and getting critiques. I finally joined and posted one of my daisy pictures for genuine critique. I'm happy with the critique and am taking the tips and working with it. The other one is just a photo challenge website that I like to look at to gain ideas. I don't have a camera that qualifies but I will soon. I see a Canon 20D in my future :-D or my dreams hehe

Its been a stress releasing week. Tuesday I got off at noon and dad and I went fishing. That lasted about 20 minutes before we went out to the airport and watched the airplanes. It was a genuine daddy daughter time. I could picture myself being 7 again standing in the airport, holding dads hand, with my face pressed to the glass watching the planes take off and land and dad telling me about each plane. Now 15 yrs later its the same but so different. Standing on cliff out at Earthquake park, my hands holding a camera and my face pressed against a view finder. Discussing where we thought the planes were coming from, if we had been there before, if we wanted to go. Another memory etched into my mind forever to hold dear.

Wednesday was our company picnic and Joleesa discovered that we work with fun people. After yummylious cheeseburgers, some fried chicken, photo salad, and pie we played some serious volleyball. My team consisted of Steve (our executive chef), Stephanie (Hotel Controller- her office is in the accounting office so her and I had teamed up) Daniel (Tour Desk Manager) on Joleesa's team was Raylee (Fletcher's Restaurant manager) Raquel (Director of Operation's) Brain (Concierge). Raquel left and was replaced by Frank (Director of Engineers). It was a BLAST. Nice to see some of the executives let down their hair a bit. We also discovered that if the guys in our sales department are playing horse shoes to stand far far away :-P We left sortly after former Governor Hickel and his wife showed up. They have been married 65 years and its so sweet seeing them together because they always look like they are still newlyweds.

Today it was back to the grind and headaches of work but I got to come home and pull out my camera and try some different looks. I want to find something other then a daisy to practice on.

Have a good week