Saturday, December 20, 2008

What Fun

I went to my boss yesterday and told her how much OT I had and she asked if I wanted to leave early that I worked enough. :-D She read my mind. I ran out at 2pm and did some shopping. I got Joleesa's Christmas gift which I'm so excited about, I got Jess the rest of her gift and mom a gift. Mom got a Birthday/Christmas gift for the first time this year and I hated to do that to her but I knew I couldn't afford two gifts after paying for her touch lamp but while out I got a really good deal on something she'll really like. Now I just need to get something for one of the ladies I'm really close to at work and I'm done.

One of the presents I already got from my boss is Season 1 & 2 of JAG :-D I love the show! So I got a bit to eat at Chili's they have really good soup and then I went home with my sparkling cider, popped in an episode of JAG and started wrapping gifts. I told mom I wouldn't be over as I wanted to go to bed early so I could get up early- didn't happen before I knew it was 1am and I was 2/3 of the way done with Season 1.

I got up at 10am and got ready and went over to mom and dads to have blueberry pancakes and then caught up with Jo, Nathan and Zaiah. We just finished a game of Monopoly were I gracefully lost to Zay- he kept taking all my money :-( but it was fun.

I've felt like all Ive done is work and sleep that just playing games felt nice and like I had a life hehe. Plus there is nothing more fun then playing games with Nathan and Isaiah- they are the perfect combination of chill and competitive :-D

Now its off to eat Chinese and then youth night at Heather's