Monday, March 09, 2009

A Whole lot of Boring

My weeks been very boring but its okay- sometimes thats what one needs- simple, slow, boring :-) when life gets to complex, trying and hard.

My highlights -is I took a new profile picture of myself (I laugh just saying that), I cleaned out my car today as we got a spurt of warm weather (31 degrees above hehe)I evicted all of the garbage and bagged up my clothes that never made it into the house in hopes that it'll finally make it there tonight. Gathered the books accumulating in the back window and stashed them in my laptop bag. It now looks like when I bought it- smells good and looks good :-) It needs a bath on the outside but I need it to warm up for that.

The low end of the last week or so- My boss has cancer- she doesn't remember telling me (side effects of medication) and so I've watched her get sicker by the day and I know all I can do for her is pray. I know that shouldn't be considered ALL I can do but when around her it feels like its not enough. At first it was so overwhelming I didn't know how to take it but now I just well I just don't know how to help. I desire your prayers for sure.

On top of it- I've been so sick of winter- I've never been one to be affected by the seasons but i've got such a bad case of Cabin Fever. I'm counting the days until I go to Montana in April to spend time with Gracie- I need to get out- I haven't seen in over a year now and I miss her dreadfully.

I'm hoping Friday will be fun- not because its my birthday but because I need to be around people, to laugh, to have fun - I could careless about getting older but if its necessary I want to share it with friends.

I know totally random post but thats just the way I'm thinking these days hehe


connie said...

I know how you feel. My brother has cancer. Just found out last month or so. I called him and talked to him about changing what he eats, at least for awhile, and see if it would help. Then his neighbor started bringing him carrots so that he could have carrot juice. Praise the Lord! One plants, another waters, and God gives the increase. Now I feel better praying for him, because I know that he is putting forth some effort too.

Can't wait until Youth Convention and getting to worship all together.

connie said...

Hey, Happy birthday, girl!
See you in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for you all to come over. :)

Vicki Smith said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a GOOD one!
The weather here has been crazy. Two days ago it was 84 degrees (YUCK!), then yesterday the high was only about 40. I know you'd be thrilled with 40 degrees, but the folks around here think they're freezing to death. HA!

Momma Tammi said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! I really like the headshot of you that Jessa put on her blog.